Saturday, May 16, 2009

Two Robberies Don't Make a Right....

...but it may help me buy another computer.

Did I think I could live in an affordable neighborhood in New York without getting robbed from time to time? Of course not. So, really, it wasn't such a shock to come home to an openly pillaged apartment this week. Not that I expect this to happen, I just wasn't shocked is all I'm saying.

What I WAS shocked about was the flood of NYPD that followed. Six total, two of whom dusted for fingerprints all over our kitchen (see photos of a lovely black powder)

They, or He, or She took my laptop and my roommate's lap top and left a knife in my bed. A little eepy-cray, no? So, I'm running a sale on WOOLANDBRICK.ETSY.COM called BURGLE ME BACK. I was robbed, so I'm putting a ton of stuff on sale in order to raise money to buy a new computer. I know it's corny, but the prices are so low, it's like you're robbing me! I know, I know....I'll be lucky to sell anything with a gimmick that low brow. But that's how I roll.

So check out some crazy-low prices at WOOL + BRICK, they'll be up for the next month and I'll keep you posted on what my replacement computer is.