Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Reptiles and Dandelions

Oh May! The earth is thawed and ready to plant. I know this because all of a sudden there are turtles cruising through from pond to pond and most of all, there are large snakes everywhere!! They spy on me and follow me through the garden. They stick their little pink tongues out at me and the tall grass moves in such a way that you know something is steadily sliding through. I see them curled on my straw piles in the sun, and they love to startle me- they think it's funny.

Maybe we should mow the "lawn" to get rid of all the snakes, but it is so lovely covered in dandelion blooms. Joe wants to know if I'm trying to make a statement.

Statement: "We don't apply toxic herbicides to our lawn/eco-system/watershed."
And besides, dandelions have a lot of health benefits. If I could just get the kids to eat my dandelion stew, steamed dandelion salad, or lion's casserole...

Everyday this week I was given a warm, mushy handful of the familiar yellow flower and told "Happy Mudders Day! Keep them forever."

There is finally food out there- asparagus, chives, lettuce, and kale. Rumors of morels in the orchard have gotten us out hunting, but to no avail....

Greetings to those urban tomatoes with the view of the New York City skyline!!