Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The Sound of Onions

Some of the best things about having a garden are the way your senses are awakened. The blue of the broccoli leaves in contrast to the greens of the rest of the garden and the way the water beads on those leaves like they are something made of rubber. The instant garlicly smell when the bulbs are out of the ground, and the papery, hollow sound of onion leaves when they are disturbed by a breeze.

It's a phenomonal feat to grow the tallest sunflower when you're the smallest gardener, and

imagine your surprise when the potates are pulled up and they are the color of cherries! And we haven't even described the taste of plump sugar snap peas from the vine, a handfull of homegrown blueberries, roasted chioga beets, or homegrown potato salad with your own onions, herbs, and dill...

What will we remember of this summer? A successful garden? The great music we heard? The long car trips? Camping in the rain? Dancing in the twilight to Seth and May? Peddling clothes?

Probably that, but mostly the time we spent together...

in the UP on Lake Superior, running and laughing on the beach!

God is Nature, Heaven is Earth.